On September 16, the next meeting of the Board of the Azerbaijan Confederation of Entrepreneurs was held.
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11/4/20241 min read

On September 16, the next meeting of the Board of the Azerbaijan Confederation of Entrepreneurs was held.
On September 16, the next meeting of the Board of the Azerbaijan Confederation of Entrepreneurs was held.
During the meeting, the operational principles of the Azerbaijan Arbitration Center, participation in the COP29 event, and other upcoming issues were discussed. Opening the meeting, Mammad Musayev, President of the Azerbaijan Confederation of Entrepreneurs, provided information on the support given by the country’s leadership for the development of entrepreneurship, steps taken to improve the business environment, opportunities created for the protection of business rights, and planned activities in this regard.
Also present at the event was Vugar Abbasov, Chairman of the Nakhchivan Confederation of Entrepreneurs and Vice President of the Azerbaijan Confederation of Entrepreneurs. He noted that the conditions created in the business environment stimulate entrepreneurs to successfully implement their future plans.

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